Cost Overruns

A Penny Saved is a Penny Earned

Total Inventory Control means you have everything you need…and nothing that you don’t. SupplyPoint Vending Machines help you find SAVINGS by eliminating costly delays and shutdowns due to lack of inventory.

Work Smarter

SupplyPoint solutions offer exclusive technology that allow you to count, dispense and measure nearly any item on an individual basis. No more guessing what’s left.


VendTel software connects all of your SupplyPoint solutions with your ERP and the suppliers you choose. See everything in one place.

More Trust

When users trust the solution, they stop hoarding items to work better. It cuts out costly reorders for items not really needed.

Less Risk

When items are secure, they stay where they should be. SupplyPoint solutions reduce the harm of bad actors and forgetful users, alike.

  • We are passionate about customer value and strive to deliver the best service to our customers

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  • "Did you know that organisations can save between 25 - 40% by adding one of our intelligent inventory solutions? Intelligent inventory reduces walk-away times, increase productivity and helps to reduce cost.."

    Inventory facts